Discover the wholesome goodness of extra virgin Siberian pine nut oil and other natural products from the wilderness of Siberia!
Discover the wholesome goodness of extra virgin Siberian pine nut oil and other natural products from the wilderness of Siberia!
“But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion. So he went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine”
(Luke 10:33-34)

Wholesome and nourishing cold-pressed oils: Nature’s secret recipe for maintaining digestive and general health and achieving an overall sense of well-being*
“As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.”
Adelle Davis, an advocate for improved health through better nutrition, considered by many to be the most famous nutritionist of the 20th century
"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition."
Thomas Edison
This site is for people who are looking for effective, time-tested and proven answers to their questions with regard to wellness and health maintenance. It is also for people who realize that there must be something wrong with many of the official dietary dogmas and believe that real answers to the problems of healthy living are to be found in striking the right balance between the best achievements of modern medicine and the traditional approaches to health and healing practiced throughout the world. On these pages, we will share the results of many years of our search for traditional, nutrient-dense oils that allowed generation after generation of our ancestors to avoid the common pitfalls of modern society.

By finding out more about our products and our holistic approach to health and well-being you will learn how to achieve and maintain wellness with the help of healthy, traditionally produced, and 100% natural oils from plants grown in pristine areas untouched and unspoiled by modern civilization.
By finding out more about our products and our holistic approach to health and well-being you will learn how to achieve and maintain wellness with the help of healthy, traditionally produced, and 100% natural oils from plants grown in pristine areas untouched and unspoiled by modern civilization.
"As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself."
Adelle Davis

The only way to optimize metabolism and achieve vibrant health is to enhance the ability of our bodies to assimilate the nutrients that we need, unlocking its inherent potential to promote healing and maintain itself in perfect working order. Adelle Davis, one of the 20th century pioneers of the movement towards healthier eating, once said: “As I see it, every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself.”
Thus, when we try to “outwit” our own body by denying it the nutrients it needs or poisoning it with artificial chemicals with harmful side effects, we are doing nothing more than “producing disease” in ourselves. On the contrary, when we help our bodies to unlock their true health-building potential, they naturally come back to their perfect balance of vibrant health and well-being. What’s very important to understand is that this potential cannot be activated by staying away from all fats. On the contrary, health-promoting fats (as opposed to harmful synthetic fats found in processed foods) are the very keys needed to unlock this potential of our bodies and put it to maximum use.

The "fat-free" approach did not work. What works is the "right fats" approach!
We need all the help we can get in order to optimize our food intake, metabolism and digestion, and provide our perfectly designed bodies with all the essential nutrients they need to function to their fullest potential. When we try to describe a perfectly functioning system, we often refer to it as a “well-oiled machine”. This metaphor gives us the key to understanding one of the most important underlying principles of natural wellness and healthy metabolism. To be able to reach its optimum state, our body must be WELL-OILED. By that, we mean that it must be supplied with the right fats. Not only are these “good fats” essential for healthy metabolism, but they are also vital for maintaining wellness.
"The best doctor gives the least medicine."
Benjamin Franklin
Long gone are the days when we believed that all fats were bad for us. By now, we know perfectly well that instead of trying to eliminate all fats from our diet or indiscriminately reduce their consumption, we must instead concentrate on supplying our bodies with the right fats they need to function properly. Yes, we must keep them well-oiled! Rather that denying these perfectly designed “machines” the very “lubrication” that they desperately need, we must supply them with the best-grade nutritional inputs we may find.
Our traditionally made, 100% natural oils come from plants growing amid the vast and unspoiled wilderness of Siberia
Our traditionally made, 100% natural oils come from plants growing amid the vast and unspoiled wilderness of Siberia
"He who takes medicine and neglects to pay attention to his diet wastes the skill of his doctors."
Chinese Proverb
"He who takes medicine and neglects to pay attention to his diet wastes
the skill of his doctors."Chinese Proverb