Pine Nut Oil
Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil
"This delicious, golden-colored oil is pressed from the small yet very nourishing and nutrient-packed seeds of Siberian pine (Pinus Sibirica), known in Siberia as “the King of All Trees"
"This delicious, golden-colored oil is pressed from the small yet very nourishing and nutrient-packed seeds of Siberian pine (Pinus Sibirica), known in Siberia as “the King of All Trees”"
Imagine yourself in a beautiful Northern forest. You are standing there in bright sunshine, surrounded by tall, mighty trees, and the air around you is so pure, so full of health and radiance, that you cannot help the feeling of actually being able to touch it, feel it, taste it. You are finally there. You have found it. You are in a Siberian pine forest.
The beautiful Siberian pine (Pinus Sibirica) is truly a miracle of Nature. A typical Siberian pine is about 100 to 150 feet tall, reaching five to seven feet in diameter.
The seed-bearing cones would only grow at the top 4 to 5 feet of the tree’s total height. Siberian pines grow very slowly, and their average life-span ranges from 300 to 550 years, sometimes reaching up to 800 years. So, when you are looking at a really old Siberian pine, you know that it was born long before the time when Columbus discovered America.
Siberian pine is an inherent part of the rich local tradition and heritage. The people of Siberia have always had a great deal of respect for this tree, calling it “the King of All Trees”.*
Imagine yourself in a beautiful Northern forest. You are standing there in bright sunshine, surrounded by tall, mighty trees, and the air around you is so pure, so full of health and radiance, that you cannot help the feeling of actually being able to touch it, feel it, taste it. You are finally there. You have found it. You are in a Siberian pine forest.
The beautiful Siberian pine (Pinus Sibirica) is truly a miracle of Nature. A typical Siberian pine is about 100 to 150 feet tall, reaching five to seven feet in diameter.
The seed-bearing cones would only grow at the top 4 to 5 feet of the tree’s total height. Siberian pines grow very slowly, and their average life-span ranges from 300 to 550 years, sometimes reaching up to 800 years. So, when you are looking at a really old Siberian pine, you know that it was born long before the time when Columbus discovered America.
Siberian pine is an inherent part of the rich local tradition and heritage. The people of Siberia have always had a great deal of respect for this tree, calling it “the King of All Trees”.*
Ancient Tradition Meets Modern Technology:
How We Make Our Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil
The way we produce our premium quality extra virgin Siberian pine nut oil is truly special and unique. Traditionally, this precious oil has always been pressed from Siberian pine nuts using primitive wooden oil presses. It is widely believed that, to get the oil of the highest quality and value, it is very important not to let the pine nuts, as well as the freshly pressed oil, to get in contact with any metallic surfaces. Only the oil produced by this traditional, centuries-old method can be called “extra virgin pine nut oil”.
Through many years of research and experimentation, we have adapted the traditional Siberian wooden pine nut oil press to the strict quality standards and productivity requirements of the 21st century. The pressure required to separate the oil from the kernels is provided by a state-of-the art hydraulic system, whereas the “heart” of the oil press – the barrel where the actual pressing occurs – is made of oakwood: exactly the way it was done for many centuries by native Siberians.

The resulting oil supplies all of the wholesome, goodness the King of All Trees has to offer, with nothing added and nothing taken away. Some other manufacturers claim that they were able to imitate the original equipment and know-how used by us, but we know full well that this is not true, because this original technology has been our closely guarded secret ever since we introduced this special oil to the US market back in 2004. This is exactly why our company is often referred to as “the original Siberian pine nut oil company”.
When we pour our freshly pressed oil into bottles, it resembles vintage champagne. Some say that it looks like liquid gold. Indeed, a lot can be said about our oil’s deep color, delicate unique flavor and distinctive aroma, but one thing is certain: for maintaining digestive wellness and preserving an optimum functional balance of the GI system and the body as a whole, it is really worth its weight in gold.*
One of the great things about pine nut oil is that, in addition to taking it straight by the teaspoon you may also use it in a variety of delicious and healthy recipes ranging from salad dressings and pastas to pesto and homemade nut butters. Siberian pine nut oil is a gourmet culinary oil that can be used in your kitchen in a variety of creative ways. For example, you could use in baking and light sautéing, or as an absolutely delightful dipping oil. If desired, it can be mixed into olive oil or used instead of it on your salad or in any of your favorite dishes that call for vegetable oil. And, most importantly, Siberian pine nut oil makes every meal you cook more satisfying and nutritious.

Ancient Tradition Meets Modern Technology:
How We Make Our Extra Virgin Siberian Pine Nut Oil
The way we produce our premium quality extra virgin Siberian pine nut oil is truly special and unique. Traditionally, this precious oil has always been pressed from Siberian pine nuts using primitive wooden oil presses. It is widely believed that, to get the oil of the highest quality and value, it is very important not to let the pine nuts, as well as the freshly pressed oil, to get in contact with any metallic surfaces. Only the oil produced by this traditional, centuries-old method can be called “extra virgin pine nut oil”.
Through many years of research and experimentation, we have adapted the traditional Siberian wooden pine nut oil press to the strict quality standards and productivity requirements of the 21st century. The pressure required to separate the oil from the kernels is provided by a state-of-the art hydraulic system, whereas the “heart” of the oil press – the barrel where the actual pressing occurs – is made of oakwood: exactly the way it was done for many centuries by native Siberians.

When we pour our freshly pressed oil into bottles, it resembles vintage champagne. Some say that it looks like liquid gold. Indeed, a lot can be said about our oil’s deep color, delicate unique flavor and distinctive aroma, but one thing is certain: for maintaining digestive wellness and preserving an optimum functional balance of the GI system and the body as a whole, it is really worth its weight in gold.*
When we pour our freshly pressed oil into bottles, it resembles vintage champagne. Some say that it looks like liquid gold. Indeed, a lot can be said about our oil’s deep color, delicate unique flavor and distinctive aroma, but one thing is certain: for maintaining digestive wellness and preserving an optimum functional balance of the GI system and the body as a whole, it is really worth its weight in gold.*
One of the great things about pine nut oil is that, in addition to taking it straight by the teaspoon you may also use it in a variety of delicious and healthy recipes ranging from salad dressings and pastas to pesto and homemade nut butters. Siberian pine nut oil is a gourmet culinary oil that can be used in your kitchen in a variety of creative ways. For example, you could use in baking and light sautéing, or as an absolutely delightful dipping oil. If desired, it can be mixed into olive oil or used instead of it on your salad or in any of your favorite dishes that call for vegetable oil. And, most importantly, Siberian pine nut oil makes every meal you cook more satisfying and nutritious.